The Geometry-Analysis Seminar
Wednesdays at 4:00 in Herman Brown 227





August 30


no meeting


September 6

Rolf Ryham, Rice

Electorolyte Droplets


September 13

Barry Simon, Caltech

Porter Lectures


September 20

Barry Simon, Caltech

Porter Lectures


September 27

Alexander Bufetov, Rice

Existence and Uniqueness of the Measure of Maximal Entropy for the  Teichmueller  Flow on the Moduli Space of Abelian Differentials (jt. with B.M. Gurevich)



October 4

David Damanik, Rice

Strictly Ergodic Subshifts and Associated Operators


October 11

No seminar

Bochner Lecture Week


October 18

Olivier Wittenberg,


Existence problems for rational points


October 25

Adela Comanici, Rice

Pattern Formation on Growing Square Domains


November 1

Sabin Cautis,


A Knot Invariant from Algebraic Geometry


November 8

William Allard,


Total variation regularization for image denoising: Theory and Examples.


November 15

Lev Birbrair,


Lipschitz Geometry of Complex Algerbraic Surfaces



November 22

No seminar

Thanksgiving Break


November 29

Rodrigo Banuelos


TBA (In McMurtry Auditorium, Duncan Hall)


December 6

Andrew Torok

Stability of mixing and rapid mixing for hyperbolic flows


Talks from the Spring 2006 semester